Farming Simulator 2021




Have you ever driven a tractor? Do not say that it is too difficult for you! With Farming Simulator, you will easily master these skills and not only these. This game invites you to discover a fascinating world of farms. Even if you know nothing about agricultural activities, it is a perfect chance to fill this gap. So what is it all about? Here, you will become a real farmer who tills the soil, grows crops, raises livestock and trades all these goods. You can decide how you want to play the game – as a complete beginner or on the already functioning farm. If you choose the first option, you will literally start on a small piece of soil and with only a few tools to work on it.

You will need to start from just a few plants, slowly expanding your plants. Besides, you will have to breed various livestock – pigs, horses, cows, and more. Animals will give you a lot of different resources – meat, wool, eggs. You will be able not only to gather crops but also to sell these on the local market. For this, you will always need to study the economic situation and follow the price ups and downs. Then choose the tight moment to sign contracts with the stores and sell your goods at the most profitable cost. Actually, it is your main aim to get the highest revenue possible. These funds will enable you to buy new seeds, start breeding new animals and upgrade your equipment arsenal. The machinery plays a very important role in farming – with the help of modern devices, you will manage to make things move faster as all processes will take less time.

You will have access to a wide choice of tractors and other agricultural machinery. And developers add new options to the menu regularly. You can also play this game together with other players or just your friends. The multiplayer regime allows up to 16 players in one session. This approach makes the entertainment even funnier – you can organize various competitions. You can also help each other as true neighbors. There is a lot of work waiting for you in this online fun. So do not waste time, join it immediately to show your talents as a farmer without straining your muscles. Start using virtual resources to cultivate the land, grow plants, breed animals, and gather rich crops. Try it yourself –you will definitely love it!

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